Get extra discounts on your next booking when you refer a friend to Ski Service.
Current voucher value : 0 CHF
Code | Amount | Validity | Status |
Every time a new Ski Service user books with your invite link, they'll get a 22% discount on their first booking.
For each booking made by a new user with your invite link you will earn an additional discount in your account, these additional discounts are cumulative.
For example, if one new user books via your invite link you will receive a personal 25% discount in your account. If two new users book via your invite link you will receive a personal 30% discount in your account and so on with the discount increasing incrementally by 5% each time.
You can be redeemed your personal discount by clicking "redeem" in your account area. This will generate your personal single use promo code.
Once your personal single use promo code is used your personal discount will be reset but your invite link will remain the same. Your personal discount will automatically start building up again each time a new user books via your invite link.
All bookings must be made online and all discounts are only valid online.
Rue de Médran 16
CH-1936 Verbier
p. 027 771 67 70
Map + directions
Les Ruinettes
CH-1936 Verbier
p. 027 771 11 78
Map + directions © 2025 Ski Service SA | Privacy policy